Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania
Wizara ya Kilimo




To provide expertise and services on crop development and cooperatives.


  • To provide inputs on  crop development  policies, legislations, standards and rules;
  • To develop crop development strategies, programmes and implementation;
  • To promote sustainable agriculture;
  • To build capacity of RS and LGAs in crop development; and
  • To provide inputs on cooperative development policies and legislations.

This Division will be led by a Director and will have three (3) Sections as follows:-

  • Crop Promotion, Agricultural Inputs and Cooperatives Section;
  • Plant Health Services Section; and
  • Agricultural Marketing Section.

1.1.1 Crop Promotion, Agricultural Inputs and Cooperatives Section

This Section will perform the following activities:-

  • Develop, monitor, evaluate and review implementation of policies, strategies, standards and legislation on agricultural inputs;
  • Inspect, monitor and certify quality of seed and crop varieties;
  • Facilitate promotion of farm seed production (Quality Declared Seed [QDS]);
  • Encourage Private Sector Participation in seed production;
  • Process and register new seed varieties, seed farms and seed dealers;
  • Establish National supply and demand system for Agro-Inputs distribution and utilization;
  • Develop Agricultural Inputs Databank;
  • Develop, monitor, evaluate and review implementation of cooperative policies and legislations;
  • Develop and maintain Government Orchards for multiplication and dissemination of improved varieties of horticultural crops;
  • Facilitate promotion of commercial farming including contract farming;
  • Provide advice on production of crops based on agro – ecological zones;
  • Provide advice on enforcement of crop industry legislation and guidelines; and
  • Prepare and enforce implementation of quality standards on production processing of traditional and non-traditional export crops.

This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.

 1.1.2 Plant Health Services Section

This Section will perform the following activities:-

  • Develop guidelines for crop pest management and monitor its implementation;
  • Undertake Inspection and Photo-sanitary Certification;
  • Facilitate RS and LGAs to enforce internal Plant Quarantine;
  • Prepare strategies and coordinate management outbreak of  pests and diseases;
  • Coordinate Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Bio Control Services;
  • Provide regulatory services on registration and sound management  of pesticides;
  • Control of quality and standards of plant protection substances;
  • Enforce Plant Protection Legislation;
  • Develop and maintain plant health data bank; and
  • Monitor bio-safety and bio-security aspects in agriculture.

This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.

 1.1.3 Agricultural Marketing Section

 This Section will perform the following activities:-

  • Conduct researches on market intelligence for crops grown in the Country;
  • Collect and conduct detailed analysis of data concerning storage, marketing and trend of crop prices inside and outside the Country;
  • Give special advice to Government concerning decisions on permitting or banning of selling of  crops and control of  crops to be entered in the country;
  • Coordinate all issues which concern Agricultural marketing from farmers;
  • Provide advice to the Government concerning quality way of understanding and using agricultural marketing opportunities  for crops produced within the country and giving recommendations which will assist farmers to access domestic and foreign markets
  • Coordinate promotional activities of farmers to add value to their crops with the aim of accessing markets;
  • Be a Data Harmonization Centre for agricultural markets and price and provide link between the Ministry and various domestic and foreign institutions  concerning markets for farmers’ crops; and
  • Coordinate all issues concerning with markets and prices of crops which are produced by domestic farmers. 

This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.



To oversee provision and implementation of agricultural training, extension services and agricultural research activities.


  • To support capacity building of Sector Staff including those working in Regional Secretariats and LGAs;
  • To coordinate and monitor agricultural training;
  • To develop, monitor and review implementation of extension services policy, guidelines and regulations;
  • To design, monitor implementation and review extension services methodologies;
  • To facilitate management and development of the agricultural training institutes;
  • To develop strategies and programs for agricultural training institutes sustainably; and
  • To facilitate review of curricula in line with clients' demands; and
  • To oversee implementation of activities of the Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI).

This Division will be led by a Director and will have two (2) Sections as follows:-

  • Agricultural Training Institutes Support Section; and
  • Extension Services and Research Section.

1.1.1 Agricultural Training Institutes Support Section

This Section will perform the following activities:-

  • Prepare, monitor, evaluate and review curriculum implementations in all MoA Training Institutes;
  • Manage assessment and examination in the MoA Training     Institutes;
  • Coordinates farmer training programmes and include cross cutting issues (HIV/AIDS and gender) in the curriculum;
  • Prepare and compile reports pertaining to curriculum development;
  • Prepare periodic reports of activities from training institute;
  • Prepare and monitor training needs assessment for capacity strengthening of training unit professionals;
  • Develop and review instructional materials for short and long term training programmes for middle level manpower;
  • Evaluate MATI training programmes and assessment of the need for instructional materials;
  • Develop and implement strategies and programmes for institute sustainability;
  • Establish and coordinate linkages with other training institutions within East Africa and elsewhere;
  • Prepare Training Institutions budget and financial report;
  • Monitor the management and administration of the Ministry's training institutes;
  • Coordinate the acquisition of training institutions materials and equipment;
  • Investigate students disciplinary cases and appeals; and
  • Evaluate effectiveness of utilisation of tutors in agricultural training institutes.

This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.

1.1.2  Extension Services and Research Section

This Section will perform the following activities:-

  • Develop, monitor and review implementation of extension services policy, guidelines, regulations and standing orders;
  • Establish, introduce and improve extension services methodologies;
  • Provide advice to RS, LGAs and  farmers on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP);
  • Develop and disseminate technical extension packages for use in RS and  LGAs;
  • Monitor and evaluate extension services performance and advise accordingly;
  • Build capacity of RS and LGAs to provide technical advisory services to farmers;
  • Build capacity of extension workers;
  • Develop and maintain extension data bank; and
  • Oversee Agricultural Research Institute’s activities and ensure they are in line with the National Policies.

This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.



To provide expertise on agricultural land use planning and management.


  • To facilitate RS and LGAs in the preparation of strategies and guidelines of agricultural land use planning;
  • To build capacity of RS and LGAs in agricultural land use planning and management;
  • To plan, demarcate and ensure proper utilization of agricultural land; and
  • To enforce agricultural land legislations.

This Division will be led by a Director and will have two (2) Sections as follows: -

  • Agricultural Land Use Planning Section; and
  • Agricultural Land Use Management Section.

 1.1.1 Agricultural Land Use Planning Section

This Section will perform the following activities: -

  • Produce agricultural land use management plans and maps for Districts and National levels;
  • Identify, demarcate and maintain agricultural land data bank;
  • Facilitate acquisition of legal ownership of agricultural land/ farms;
  • Undertake survey and demarcation of agricultural land and advice accordingly;
  • Disseminate to RS and LGAs relevant technological packages for agricultural land use planning;
  • Procure and disseminate to RS and LGAs relevant on-farm soil and water management technologies on soil erosion control and on-farm rain water harvesting;
  • Establish, operate and maintain a National Data Bank for agricultural land use planning; and
  • Promote information sharing and exchange on sustainable land use planning.

This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.

1.1.2 Agricultural Land Use Management Section

This Section will perform the following activities: -

  • Develop, monitor, evaluate and review policies and strategies to address issues of sustainability land use planning and management;
  • Prepare agricultural land/soil suitability/capability classification and disseminate to users and monitor their implementation;
  • Develop and disseminate guidelines for agricultural land use management and monitor their implementation;
  • Provide inputs during preparation of laws to prevent farming activities in highly eroded agricultural land and monitor their implementation;
  • Undertake land evaluation for use and management planning;
  • Prepare relevant land use management packages for Districts;
  • Design and disseminate to RS and LGAs relevant on-farm soil fertility and agro-forestry management packages;
  • Monitor environmental degradation on cultivated lands and prepare report; and
  • Develop guidelines to protect catchments of irrigated land to support irrigation initiatives countrywide.



To provide expertise in modernization of agricultural production in the country


  • To advice the government on formulation, implementation and review of the National Agricultural Mechanization and Irrigation Policy, Strategy, Programs and Laws;
  • To act as a forum/platform for information and technology sharing and soliciting resources pertaining to time, labour and water saving technologies;
  • To coordinate all interventions in Agricultural Modernization domain conducted by the development agents and other stakeholders;
  • To facilitate modernization of farm machinery including use of alternate power sources and conservation tillage equipment;
  • To promote agro-processing machines and productive use of rural energy;
  • To build capacity of institutions and personnel in profitable agricultural modernization (including Region Secretariat and Local Government Authorities, research, training, innovations and other stakeholders);
  • To advise the Government in all matters concerning development and management of agricultural modernization domain in the country;
  • To acquire, develop and disseminate suitable technologies originating from research findings, innovations and manufacturers of local or foreign origin;
  • To monitor activities carried out by the National Irrigation Commission, Irrigators and other stakeholders;
  • To facilitate  collaboration of key irrigation stakeholders at National level;
  • To collect and maintain data of all irrigators and irrigation associations; and
  • To advise the Ministry on all matters relating to development and management of irrigation projects in the country.

The Division will be led by a Director and will comprise three (3) Sections as follows:-

  • Farm Machinery and Implements Section;
  • Agro-processing and Renewable Energy Section; and
  • Irrigation Development Section.

1.1.1 Farm Machinery and Implements Section

This Section will perform the following activities:-

  • Initiate formulation, implementation and review of policy, strategies and programmes on agricultural mechanization;
    Set  and monitor standards and guidelines for agricultural machinery;
  • Provide effective information on the national demand, availability and distribution of farm implements, machinery and equipment;
  • Provide advisory services on appropriate farm machinery and multi operational use of machinery;
  • Promote and encourage agro-mechanization and modernization of farm machinery;
  • Promote alternate power sources such as power tillers, rice trans-planters, harvesters and other machinery for smallholder farming;
  • Facilitate up scaling of conservation tillage technologies to improve agricultural productivity;
  • Encourage participation of private investors in agro mechanization including supply of conservation tillage implements;
    Develop data bank for agricultural machinery; and
  • Advise on the creation of enabling environment to acquire modern agro mechanisation technologies.

The Section will be led by an Assistant Director.

1.1.2 Agro-processing and Productive Use of Rural Energy Section

This Section will perform the following activities:-

  • Develop strategies and programmes to increase adoption of agro-processing machines technologies and productive use of energy;
  • Provide advisory services on crop processing machines technologies and productive use of energy in collaboration with other related institutions;
  • Develop guidelines on agro-processing machines technologies and productive use of energy  and provide technical back stopping;
  • Build capacity of RS and LGAs on agro-processing machines technologies and productive use of rural energy;
  • Promote exploitation of renewable energy technologies in agriculture;
  • Provide advisory services and facilitate dissemination of appropriate farm structures;
  • Encourage private sector participation in increasing accessibility and availability of agro-processing machines technologies and productive use of energy;
  • Facilitate dissemination and commercialization of new agro-processing machines technologies and productive use of energy from Research & Development institutions; and
  • Provide information on areas and opportunities for private investment in agro-processing machines technologies and productive use of energy.

The Section will be led by an Assistant Director.

1.1.3 Irrigation Development Section

 This Section will perform the following activities:-

  • Advise the government on implementation and review of the National Irrigation Policy, Strategy, National Irrigation Master Plan and Regulatory Framework;
  • Liaise with National Irrigation Commision and other stakeholders  in all issues related to Irrigation development;
  • Monitor activities carried out by National Irrigation Commission;
  • Facilitate collaboration of key irrigation stakeholders at National level;
  • Collect and maintain data of all irrigators and irrigation association; and
  • Provide advice on all matters relating to development and management of irrigation projects in the country.

The Section will be led by an Assistant Director.



To provide expertise and services on human resources management and administrative matters.


  • To provide advice on administrative and human resources matters;
  • To provide strategic inputs on Administration and Human Resources Management issues such as recruitment, human resources development and training, promotion, discipline, retention, motivation, performance management and welfare;
  • To ensure optimal, efficient and effective management and utilization of human resources in the Office;
  • To provide a link between the Office and the President’s Office - Public Service Management on operationalisation of the Public Service Management and Employment Policy and relevant Public Service Acts; and
  • To oversee employees’ welfare.

The Division will be led by a Director and will comprise of two (2) Sections as follows: -

  • Administration Section; and
  • Human Resources Management Section.

 1.1.1 Administration Section

This Section will perform the following activities: -

  • Interpret and ensure adherence to Public Service Regulations, Standing Orders and other Labour laws;
  • Facilitate employee relations and welfare including health, safety, sports and culture;
  • Provide registry, messengerial and courier services; and manage Office records;
  • Handle protocol matters;
  • Facilitate provision of security services, transport and general utilities;
  • Facilitate maintenance of Office equipment, buildings and grounds;
  • Coordinate implementation of ethics and value promotion activities;
  • Coordinate implementation of diversity issues;
  • Coordinate implementation of Private Sector Participation, Business Process Improvement and Client Service Charter; and
  • Advise on organizational efficiency of the Office.

This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.

1.1.2 Human Resources Management Section

This Section will perform the following activities: -

  • Carry out human resources planning and development;
  • Coordinate staff recruitment, selection, placement, confirmation,  promotions and transfer;
  • Prepare Annual Personnel Emolument Estimates and administer salaries and payroll;
  • Coordinate implementation of Open Performance Review and Appraisal System (OPRAS;
  • Oversee employee’s benefits (pension, allowances etc) and entitlements;
  • Oversee services related to separation from the service (retirement, resignation, etc); and
  • Serve as a Secretariat to the Appointment Committee.

This Section will be led by an Assistant Director



To provide expertise and services in policy formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.


  • To coordinate preparation of Sector policies and monitor their implementation and carry out their impact assessments;
  • To analyse policies from other sectors and advise accordingly;
  • To coordinate preparations and implementations of Sector plans and budgets;
  • To carry out monitoring and evaluation of the Sector’s plans and budgets and prepare performance reports;
  • To carry out research, assessments and evaluation of Sector plans and provide a basis for making informed decisions on the future direction of the Sector;
  • To encourage and facilitate the provision of services by the Private Sector in the Sector;
  • To oversee performance contracting;
  • To coordinate preparations of Sector contributions to the Budget Speech and Annual Economic Report;
  • To institutionalise strategic planning; budget; and monitoring and evaluation skills in the Sector;
  • To be a custodian and  coordinator of Ministerial statistics; and
  • To ensure that ministerial plans and budgets are integrated into the Government budgeting process.

This Division will be led by a Director and will comprise two (2) Sections as follows: -

  • Policy and Planning Section; and
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Section.

1.1.1 Policy and Planning Section

This Section will perform the following activities:-

  • Coordinate formulation, review, implementation and monitoring of Sector’s policies; and ensure they are consistent with National policies, frameworks and strategies;
  • Review and advise on policy papers prepared by other ministries;
  • To carry out research and impact studies of Sector policies and provide a basis for making informed decisions on the future direction of the Sector;
  • Compile implementation reports on Ruling Party Manifesto and Parliamentary Committee reports;
  • Coordinate formulation and preparation of the Sector's medium term strategic plan, annual action plans and budgets;
  • Compile reports on Sector projects, programmes and Action Plans and Develop strategies for resource mobilization;
  • Provide technical guidance and support for institutionalization of Strategic Planning and Budgeting process within the Sector;
  • Prepare memorandum of understanding for projects and programs for International financing;
  • Coordinate the preparation of Sector budget speech; and
  • Participate in analysis of outsourcing of non-core functions (Private Sector Participation).

This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.

1.1.2 Monitoring and Evaluation Section

This Section will perform the following activities: -

  • Monitor and evaluate implementation of the Sector 's Annual Plans and Medium Term Strategic Plan;
  • Prepare periodic performance reports;
  • Collect, study and analyze statistics needed in the formulation and implementation of policies, plans and budgetary proposals;
  • Provide inputs in preparation of plans, programs and budgetary activities in the Sector including establishment of performance targets and indicators;
  • Provide technical advice including institutionalization of M&E process;
  • Oversee performance contracting;
  • Undertake research and evaluation studies of plans, projects and programs undertaken by the Sector;
  • Undertake service delivery surveys to collect stakeholders/ clients views on services rendered and advise management accordingly;
  • Coordinate mid-year and annual performance reviews; Coordinate collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of Ministerial data and statistics;
  • Be custodian and focal point of Ministry’s statistics; and
  • Monitor performance of Executive Agencies under the Sector.

This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.