Taasisi za Wizara
Co-operative Audit and Supervision Corporation (COASCO)
The Co-operative Audit and Supervision Corporation was established in 1982 by an Act of Parliament No. 15 of 1982 to be the sole public corporation that provided Audit, Supervision and Consultancy services to the cooperatives in Tanzania Mainland. During its establishment,…
Taasisi ya Utafiti wa Kilimo Tanzania (TARI)
The Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) was established by the Parliamentary Act No. 10 of 2016 to enhance and strengthen of agricultural research system in Tanzania. TARI is a semi-autonomous body under the Ministry of Agriculture, responsible for all agricultural…
Tume ya Taifa ya Umwagiliaji (NiRC)
Tume ya Taifa ya Umwagiliaji ilianzishwa kwa sheria namba 5 ya mwaka 2013 na kuwa Taasisi ya Serikali inayojitegemea chini ya Wizara inayosimamia sekta ya umwagiliaji. Majukumu mahususi ya tume ni pamoja na kuratibu, kutangaza, kuelekeza shughuli za maendeleo ya sekta ya…
Taasisi ya Kudhibiti Ubora wa Mbegu Tanzania (TOSCI)
Tanzania Official Seed Certification (TOSCI) is a government Institute under the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) established under the Seeds Act No. 18, 2003. TOSCI is responsible for Certification and promotion of quality agricultural seeds produced o imported into the country…
Wakala wa Taifa wa Mbegu (ASA)
Agricultural Seed Agency (ASA) was established under the Executive Agencies Act No 30 of 1997. The Agency was launched in June 2006 as a semi autonomous body under the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives. The Agency took over the responsibilities that…
Tume ya Maendeleo ya Ushirika Tanzania (TCDC)
The Tanzania Cooperative Development Commission is established by the Cooperative Societies Act No 6 of 2013 and is mandated with the regulation and promotion of cooperative sector development.Vision and MissionVision : To be a leading organization in Africa that…
Mfuko wa Pembejeo za Kilimo (AGITF)
Mfuko wa Pembejeo ni taasisi ya Serikali inayotoa mikopo ya Pembejeo za Kilimo/Mifugo na Zana za Kilimo. Mikopo inayotolewa na Mfuko wa Pembejeo ninkwa ajili ya kupanua maeneo ya kilimo na kuongeza uzalishaji katika sekta ya kilimo,mifugo na uvuvi. Muda wa mikopo ni kati…
Naliendele Agricultural Research Institute(NARI)
Naliendele Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) - National Coordination Research Center for cashew, oilseeds and Roots and tubers cropsNARI is one of seven agricultural research zonal centers in Tanzania under the Ministry of Agriculture, and Food Security. It covers two…
Wakala wa Taifa wa Hifadhi ya Chakula (NFRA)
Historia ya kuanzishwa kwa Wakala wa Taifa wa Hifadhi ya Chakula (NFRA) inarudi nyuma kwenye tatizo la ukame lililojitokeza miaka ya 1973 - 1975 wakati Tanzania ilipopata athari kubwa ya upungufu wa chakula hivyo kushindwa kumudu mahitaji ya ndani ya chakula na kulazimika kuagiza chakula kutoka nje ya nchi. Hali hiyo ilisababisha Serikali kuanzisha Hifadhi ya Chakula ya Taifa (Strategic Grain Reserve - SGR) mwaka 1976 ikiwa ni mbinu ya kuiwezesha kuepuka au kupunguza makali ya upungufu wa chakula nchini. Kutoka kipindi hicho SGR ilifanyiwa mabadiliko mbalimbali ya kimuundo na uwajibikaji. NFRA iliundwa kuchukua majukumu wa SGR ili kuongeza ufanisi katika utekelezaji wa jukumu.
Wakala wa Taifa wa Hifadhi ya Chakula - National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA) ni Taasisi ya Umma iliyo chini ya Wizara ya Kilimo. Wakala ulianzishwa kwa Sheria ya Wakala za Serikali Sura 245 (Na. 30/1997), kama ilivyorekebishwa na Sheria namba 13 ya mwaka 2009, ikisomwa pamoja na Hati Rasmi iliyoanzisha NFRA mwaka 2008 kupitia Tangazo la Serikali Na. 81 la tarehe 13 Juni, 2008 na kuhuishwa na Tangazo la Serikali Na. 120 la mwaka 2016.
Kampuni ya Mbolea Tanzania (TFC)
Kampuni ya Mbolea Tanzania (Tanzania Fertilizer Company – TFC) ilianzishwa tarehe 6 Julai, 1968 chini ya Sheria ya Makampuni (Companies Ordinance CAP 212) ambayo kwa sasa inafahamika kama Sheria ya Makampuni ya mwaka 2002 (Companies Act 2002 CAP 212);
Mwaka 1972, Serikali ilizindua kiwanda Mkoani Tanga cha kuzalisha tani 105,000 za mbolea kwa mwaka aina za Tri-Super Phosphate (TSP), Single Super Phosphate (SSP) na mbolea za mchanganyiko za NPK ambacho kiliendeshwa na Kampuni ya Mbolea Tanzania (TFC)
Mwaka 1980, usimamizi wa Kampuni ulihamishiwa Shirika la Maendeleo ya Viwanda Vya Kemikali (National Chemical Industries –NCI).
Kufuatia hitilafu ya mitambo, Aprili 1991, shughuli za uzalishaji wa mbolea zilisitishwa na Serikali iliamua kufunga Kiwanda hicho na wafanyakazi waliachishwa kazi kupitia Waraka Na. 6 wa Baraza la Mawaziri wa mwaka 1996
Mamlaka ya Afya ya Mimea na Viuatilifu Tanzania (TPHPA)
The Tanzania Plant Health and Pesticides Authority (TPHPA) was established by the Act No. 04 of 2020. TPHPA has been established to comply with requirements of International Plant Protection Convection (IPPC) on sanitary and phytosanitary measures. The Plant Health Section under Ministry of Agriculture and Tropical Pesticides Research Authority (TPRI) have been merged to form one Authority for regulation of Plant Health and Pesticides matters. The establishment of the Authority intended to smooth coordination, proper utilization of resources and remove duplication of roles in order to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery.
Cereals and Other Produce Regulatory Authority (COPRA)
The Cereal and Other Produce Regulatory Authority or in its acronym “COPRA” is established under Section 3 of the Food Security Act -1991 [CAP 249 R.E 2002] – Consequential Amendments of the Food Security Act (Act No. 19 of 2009) as a semi-autonomous body of the Government under the Ministry responsible for Agriculture. The Authority is a body corporate that is responsible for regulation of production, processing and marketing of cereals and other produce; to provide for the national food security assurance mechanisms and other related matters in the mainland Tanzania.
Mamlaka ya Udhibiti wa Mbolea Tanzania (TFRA)
Mamlaka ya Udhibiti wa Mbolea Tanzania (TFRA) imeanzishwa kwa Sheria ya Mbolea na. 9 ya mwaka 2009.
Sheria hii hutekelezwa kupitia kanuni zifuatazo: -
- Kanuni za Mbolea za mwaka 2011 (Fertilizer Regulations, 2011) na marekebisho ya mwaka 2017 (Fertilizer (Amendment) Regulations, 2017).
- Kanuni za Ununuzi wa Mbolea kwa Pamoja (Fertilizer (Bulk Procurement) Regulations, 2017).
Taasisi hii ipo chini ya Wizara ya Kilimo na ilianza kutekeleza majukumu yake tangu Agosti 2012. Mamlaka inasimamiwa na bodi ya wakurugenzi na majukumu yake ya kila siku yanasimamiwa na mkurugenzi mtendaji.