Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania
Wizara ya Kilimo




To provide advisory services to the Accounting Officer on the proper management of resources.

This Unit will perform the following activities: -

  • Review and report on proper control over the receipt, custody and utilization of all financial resources of the Sector;
  • Review and report on conformity with financial and operational procedures laid down in any legislation or any regulations or instructions for control over the expenditure of the Sector;
  • Review and report on the correct classification and allocation of revenue and expenditure accounts;
  • Develop audit procedures to facilitate compliance with international standards;
  • Review and report on the reliability and integrity of financial and operation data and prepare financial statements and other reports;
  • Review and report on the systems in place used to safeguard assets, and verify existence of such assets;
  • Review and report on operations or programs to ascertain whether results are consistent with established objectives and goals;
  • Review and report on the reactions by the management to internal audit reports, and assist management in the implementation of recommendations made by reports and follow-up on the implementation of recommendations made by the Controller and Auditor General;
  • Review and report on the adequacy of controls built into computerized systems in place in the Sector;
    Prepare and implement Strategic Audit Plans; and
  • Conduct performance audits on appraisal of development projects.

This Unit will be led by a Chief Internal Auditor




To provide to the Sector expertise and services in information, communication and dialogue with public and media.

This Unit will perform the following activities: -

  • Produce and disseminate documents such as brochures, articles, newsletters etc to inform the Public on Policies,
  • Programmes, activities and Reforms undertaken by the Sector;
  • Coordinate press briefings for the Sector;
  • Engage in dialogue with the Public as well as media on issues concerning the Sector;
  • Promote Sector activities programs and policies;
  • Coordinate preparation of Sectoral and Sector papers for workshops and conferences;
  • Coordinate preparation and production of Ministerial articles and news papers;
  • Up-date sectoral and Sector information in the website; and
  • Advise Divisions, Units, extra Sector l and non-commercial Public Institutions on the production of various documents.

This Unit will be led by a Principal Information Officer.




To provide expertise and services in procurement, storage and supply of goods and services for the Sector.

This Unit will perform the following activities: -

  • Advise the Management on matters pertaining to the procurement of goods and services and logistics management;
  • Monitor adherence to procurement process and procedures as per Public Procurement Act;
  • Develop an annual procurement Plan for the Sector;
  • Procure, maintain and manage supplies, materials and services to support the logistical requirements of the Sector;
  • Maintain and monitor distribution of office supplies and materials;
  • Maintain and update inventory of goods, supplies and materials;
  • Provide Secretariat services to the Ministerial Tender Board as per Public Procurement Act; and
  • Set specifications/standards for goods and services procured and monitor adherence to them to ensure value for money.

This Unit will be led by a Director.




To provide expertise on environment management and climate change within the agricultural Sector.

This Unit will perform the following activities:-

  • Monitor compliance with the requirement of Environment Management Act within the Ministry;
  • Advise on policy and legal reviews on environment management and climate change in the Agriculture sector in collaboration with Vice President’s Office ( Division of Environment);
  • Monitor environmental protection compliance in the Agricultural sector;
  • Oversee the implementation of policies, strategies, programs and plans to minimize adverse social–economic impacts due to agricultural activities;
  • Prepare and coordinate the implementation of Agricultural sector environmental and climate resilience action plans across levels as required under EMA and National Climate Change Strategy.
  • Undertake strategic environmental assessment of the agricultural sector on sector legislation, regulations, policies, strategies, programs and plans;
  • Oversee the preparation and implementation of Environmental and Social Impact Assessments required for investments in agriculture;
  • Collaborate with the Ministry responsible for Local Governments, to build technical capacity of LGAs to integrated environment and climate change issues in their District Agricultural Development Plans;
  • Oversee the implementation of climate smart agriculture interventions in the Agriculture sector;
  • Promote adoption of climate smart agricultural technologies and practices across levels;
  • Participate national and international environmental and climate change meetings, seminars, conferences, forums, platforms and compendiums; and
  • Sensitize, educate, disseminate and monitor climate change related interventions and initiatives including resilience plan (ACRP), Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Program, Guideline, National Adaptation plans (NAPs) and National Determined Contributions (NDCs) in Agricultural sector.

This Unit will be led by a Principal Agricultural Officer.




To provide financial management and book-keeping services for the Ministry.

This Unit will perform the following activities: -


  • Prepare payment for salaries including statutory deductions; and
  • Maintain records.

Cash Office

  • Submit voucher list to the Treasury;
  • Collect all cheques from Treasury;
  • Bank cash and cheques;
  • Prepare monthly flash report;
  • Pay cash/cheques to employees/customers (service Provider);
  • Batch paid vouchers;
  • Maintain cash book;
  • Record/ reconcile all imprest issued; and
  • Prepare and effect all payments.


  • Collect all revenues;
  • Manage the revenue according to regulations and guidelines; and
  • Bank reconciliation.


  • Prepare pension papers; and
  • Maintain pension records.


  • Monitor allocations and expenditure; and
  • Prepare Final Accounts and other Financial Statements.

Pre – Audit/Examination

  • Ensure proper documentation to support vouchers, including authorization according to regulations;
  • Ensure adherence to the relevant acts, regulations, circulars etc; and
  • Reply all Audit queries raised during the previous financial year.

This Unit will be led by a Chief Accountant.





To provide expertise and services on application of ICT to the Sector.

This Unit will perform the following activities: - 

  • Implement ICT and e-Government policy;
  • Develop and Coordinate Integrated Information and Communication Technology for the Sector;
  • Ensure that hardware and software are well maintained;
  • Coordinate and provide support on procurement purchase of software and hardware in the Sector;
  • Establish and Coordinate use of Electronic mail Communication on LAN and WAN; and
  • Carryout studies and propose areas of using ICT as an instrument to improve service delivery to the whole Sector.

This Unit will be led by a Principal ICT Officer.




To provide legal expertise and services to the Sector.

This Unit will perform the following activities: - 

  • Provide assistance to Sector’s Divisions and Units and entities under the Sector on interpretation of laws, terms of contract, terms of agreements, privatization agreements, procurement contracts, guarantees, letters of undertaking, memorandum of understanding, consultancy agreements and other type of agreements,  and other legal documents;
  • Provide technical support in preparation of legislative instruments including enactments of Parliament and subsidiary legislation(s) and forward to the Attorney General’s Chambers;
  • Participate to various negotiations and meetings that call for legal expertise on agriculture, food security and cooperatives;
  • Liaise with the Attorney Generals Chambers on litigation of civil cases and other claims involving the Sector; and
    Provide technical support to Attorney General’s Chambers on review of various legal instruments such as orders, notices, certificates, agreements and transfer deeds.

This Unit will be led by a Director.




To promote plant breeding and availability of improved plant varieties for agricultural development in the Country.

This Unit will perform the following activities: -

  • Establish criteria for quality plant breeds;
  • Register quality plant breeds;
  • Grant Plant Breeders’ Rights (PBR);
  • Establish and maintain a documentation centre for the purposes of dissemination of information on Plant Breeders’ Rights in Tanzania;
  • Maintain a register and provide information on Plant Breeders’ Rights issues;
  • Facilitate transfer and licensing of Plant Breeders’ Rights;
  • Collaborate with Local and International bodies whose functions relate to Intellectual Property Rights matters;
  • Maintain the Plant Breeders’ Rights Fund established under the Plant Breeders Rights; and
  • Coordinate matters on property rights that relate to plant genetic resources and geographical indications.

This Unit will be led by a Registrar.